To maintain and enhance the quality of life in Kirkwood by providing our customers with safe, reliable, environmentally responsible services, and provide those services openly, transparently, efficiently, and cost effectively.
Strategic Goals
Provide Efficient and Reliable Services
- Maintain and implement a current Services Master Plan, including the required facilities to meet current and future demand and supply.
- Appropriately use and update technology to improve operational efficiency, maintenance protocols, and prioritize asset replacement.
- Establish measurements, key performance indicators and goals for optimum performance in each service.
- Reduce employee injuries by maintaining an active, effective safety and wellness program.
Responsibly Serve the Public
- Conduct the District’s business in a legal, ethical, open, and transparent manner.
- Promote public awareness of all District activities and value of District services.
- Promote communication and cooperation with other public and private agencies.
- Develop and implement high standards of customer service and satisfaction.
- Develop and implement high operational standards and procedures.
Manage the District in an Effective and Fiscally Responsible Manner
- Utilize modern, cost effective work methods and equipment.
- Develop staff to ensure professionalism, continuity of organizational knowledge and District reputation as desirable place to work.
- Review and update District financial goals to achieve a stable financial condition to include planning, revenue, rates, debt and reserve goals.
- Maintain appropriate financial procedures to assure responsible financial management.
- Provide regular reviews of performance versus Budget.
- Clearly communicate our financial position and areas of focus.
Manage with Environmental Responsibility
- Procure and supply reliable low cost power to meet current and future loads, consistent with the Renewable Portfolio Standards requirements and other environmental best practices.
- Foster a culture of efficient utility use in our community.
- Minimize impacts of District operations on the natural environment. Provide key leadership in the stewardship of the District’s natural resources.
Support Responsible Economic Development in Kirkwood
- Equitably 1 encourage growth of the existing economic activities and attract new activities and development that reflects, preserves, and enhances Kirkwood’s unique culture and historic character and results in increased economic activity and reduced rates for District customers.
- Provide a level of service and utility resources that enable and advance community strategies to grow economic opportunity, build strong neighborhoods, and ensure a framework for quality growth and development.
1Equitable actions are those that do not give favored treatment to any one part of our community.